What are your precious moments?

 Sometimes it’s the little things in life that can make a difference, share your experiences and help other patients and their families The diagnosis of cancer can turn your whole life upside down in an instant. You no longer understand the world and think to yourself, "Why me?" What previously seemed obvious suddenly becomes uncertainty.

Newly diagnosed patients ask themselves many questions : "What happens next?", "Will my life change completely now?". In times like these, it is the small moments that can give you joy and strength for the rest of your journey. These are different for every patient, which is why we have put together a list of ideas and suggestions. We hope that you can find help in them!

What are your precious moments?

Talking about feelings

In this seemingly hopeless situation, it is important to have people around you who you can confide in and talk to about your feelings. Your immediate environment your family and friends, can be your first port of call when you have to deal with the diagnosis.

Talking together can be an important support in dealing with the diagnosis. They can help you to recharge your batteries and find joy, which can have a positive effect on your quality of life.

Share experiences

But many patients also find the Internet to be the right place to exchange ideas. Patients and relatives write about a wide range of topics - not just about cancer, but also about the little things in life that you can enjoy despite everything.

Join in and give other patients tips on how to maintain their quality of life despite illness. What hobbies do you recommend? What have you done to preserve small, precious moments ? You are also welcome to send us your story. We look forward to hearing from you!

Find your precious moments

Even in a difficult situation such as cancer, it is often possible to experience small moments in everyday life that are beautiful and give strength.

  • First of all, it is important that you find the right treatment for you. Many cancer treatments today allow you to maintain a good quality of life. Talk to your doctor and discuss your options.
  • Also focus on what gives you joy in life: your precious moments. These can be your personal experiences in your relationship, sexuality, friendships, music, spiritual or religious experiences and much more.
  • Focusing on your body and what is important to you can have a positive impact on your recovery process.
  • A relationship or good friendship can be an important source of support. Talk to your partner about your needs. Talk to friends about your illness. Security and affection can give you comfort and support when dealing with the diagnosis.
  • You might also find it helpful to get active. Going for walks in the fresh air with your family and children can be invigorating. Do something with your friends, go to a great film or visit a new museum.

For many patients, the exchange with other affected people is important

Exchanging information with other patients can be a great help, because only those who have experienced the illness themselves can truly understand and relate to certain feelings and experiences. In addition, many patients find it a nice feeling when they realize that they can help others.

Sharing your very personal, valuable moments that can increase your joy in life again not only helps you as a patient, but can also be an important support for other patients and their relatives. Perhaps someone is currently dealing with a particular issue and has waited a long time to find someone they can trust.

Sharing your very personal, valuable moments can serve as a motivator that gives you the strength to do something for yourself.

Exchange experiences

In the beginning, it can be difficult for those around you to deal with the diagnosis and the disease. Relatives or friends may find it difficult to understand the disease or what you are going through because they have not had any experience with it before.

This uncertainty can also affect their behavior towards you: it can lead to them being anxious or unsure about how to deal with the disease and you as a patient. For relatives affected by the illness of a loved one, it can therefore be incredibly helpful to gain experiences and insights into the battle against cancer from other patients in order to better understand the condition and be able to support their loved ones even better.

Sharing your experiences not only helps relatives, but also those who are in a similar situation. Maybe they are going through exactly the same situation that you went through and hearing a similar story or exchanging useful tips could mean a lot to them.

Your story can therefore have a positive influence on other patients. Here you have the opportunity to share  your precious moments with others, anonymously of course. We look forward to hearing from you!

What experiences would you like to share as a cancer patient with other patients? What great memories would you like to pass on so that others do not lose courage? What can you take away and learn from others?


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