Nine out of ten working people who are diagnosed with cancer want to return to work after their treatment. Over half of them, namely 60 percent, return within a year. These figures show that cancer patients find their work important. And that's no wonder, since it offers them a regular daily routine, structure, autonomy and the feeling of being able to take an active part in life again. But returning is not always easy forms, bureaucracy and worries often make this process difficult. We give tips on how to make returning to work easier and provide information on the options available.
The decision to return to work after cancer
Before patients speak to their health insurance company and employer, they have to decide one thing for themselves: Do they want to and can they return to work? The consequences of the illness, such as exhaustion, side effects of medication or difficulty concentrating, are still noticeable. Many fear that they will no longer be as productive as before or simply that they will no longer be able to manage a normal working day.
Those affected must therefore first explore their own limits and learn to listen to their own bodies. If you honestly answer questions such as "How resilient am I?", "Can I do the same as before?" or "What do I need?", you will become aware of what you really want.
According to psychologist John R. Peteet, the opportunity to maintain social relationships and the sense of community that comes with it are reasons for returning to work. A structured daily routine, life satisfaction and remuneration can also be reasons for returning to work.
However, the conditions should be designed in such a way that you do not feel under or over-challenged, discriminated against or simply lose touch with your work during your long absence.
Medical rehabilitation can also help you make a final decision. It offers the opportunity to test how fit you already are. If the decision has already been made at the start of rehabilitation, it is an important step on the way back to your old job. The primary goal is to become physically more stable and more capable again.
But offers on relaxation, memory training or conflict management can also be useful, for example, to learn how to properly express your needs later on in your job and how to deal with inappropriate criticism of your work performance. Doctors can ultimately suggest suitable so-called "participation benefits", for example further training or retraining. And if the pension insurance company approves these, it will cover the costs.
Plan your return to work with your employer
If you have decided to return to your old job, it is worth informing your employer as soon as possible, ideally as soon as you know when you will be back. This gives your employer more planning security and allows them to prepare you well for your return. Another advantage: you stay in people's minds. Ideally, you even signal to your boss and team regularly that you want to keep working.
At the same time, an application for severe disability can be submitted. If interested, this can be claimed after the return and helps those affected to obtain better protection against dismissal, for example, dismissal by the employer requires the prior approval of the integration office.
But more vacation days, support in maintaining or obtaining a job suitable for people with disabilities (e.g. technical assistance or wage subsidies), as well as tax relief and exemption from overtime can also make it easier to return to work.
Once the treatment plan has been finalized, the health insurance companies check how long you will be unable to work. They can ask their members to submit an application for rehabilitation within ten weeks. However, this request often comes when the person concerned is still too weak or simply has other things on their mind when it comes to the diagnosis and treatment.
The problem is: if you do not apply for rehabilitation now, the process is automatically converted into an application for a pension. Patients who receive such a request should therefore fill out the forms immediately. In the hospital, the so-called social services are available to give advice and support, but other advice centers can also help.
You can also object to the health insurance company's request within a certain period of time, for example if your health does not yet allow rehabilitation. It is important that you can justify your objection.
In this case, the treating doctor must give a prognosis. If you want to complete the rehabilitation at a later date and return to work despite everything, you should tell the doctor. He can take the patient's wishes into account in his prognosis.
Entry according to the “Hamburg Model”
When back at work, there are various programs designed to make it easier for those affected to get back into work. One that has proven particularly successful is the "Hamburg model". In this model, the employee is on sick leave for the first few months and receives his salary from the health insurance company.
He is given the opportunity to start with four hours a day and only gradually increase it a few weeks later. If it turns out that the employee is not yet strong enough, the hours can be reduced again, and this allows for flexibility.
However, it is important that those returning do not overestimate themselves immediately and pay attention to their need for rest. It is helpful to speak openly with colleagues or employers and to make it clear when you need support. You should also say what kind of support you want. This way you can avoid being over or under-challenged.
In addition, it is possible to apply to the employer for a so-called "disability-appropriate workplace". The design of such a workplace is, however, individual and is determined by the pension insurance company. Depending on the need, this can be as little as possible, such as an armrest next to the keyboard if the lymph nodes in the armpit have been removed and the arm swells quickly.
Counseling centers for cancer patients
Anyone who wants to return to work after cancer can find support from the following contact points, among others:
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